How to use smoke signals on your BBQ

Posted by Ellie on 12th Feb 2023

Whether you are cooking with gas, charcoal, or with an electric bbq, keeping your BBQ lid closed is vital to achieving perfection. This helps keep the temperature nice and steady; as the heat rises from the bottom to the top, it is reflected off the lid and circulates around the food.

Keeping the lid down is the biggest rule but raises a question of concern. How will I know when my food is cooked? How will I know what is happening inside my BBQ? The simple answer is Smoke.

Using timers is very practical and allows us to be reminded of when our food is cooked, and meat thermometers help ensure that that meat has reached a safe minimum cooking temperature, but smoke is overlooked.

Smoke infuses your food with the BBQ flavour that is enjoyed by many. When the smoke is white and coming out of the grill, this indicates that the food is being grilled correctly. If you see white smoke, take a seat, and relax as this is what should be expected.

Black smoke, however, is a signal that something needs attention. It could be indicating a flare-up is occurring inside the grill. If this is the case, open the lid and move your food to an indirect area on the grill. Lower the temperatures inside the grill by closing the vents on a charcoal grill or turning the control knobs down on a gas.

Keeping an eye on the grill and the smoke will allow you to achieve excellence every time.